Local solutions

We work with several expert partners to help create opportunities for children and families living in poverty. We focus on activating local solutions across three key areas: education and economic resilience; employment and financial inclusion; and food security, health, and wellbeing.

Education and Economic Resilience

Supporting inclusive education and skills development is important for our future talent pipeline and for society. Actions that help to level the playing field are vital.

We work directly with partners like United Way Centraide Canada to help vulnerable people in communities across Canada access education and skills-development opportunities for a better future in today’s workplace.

In Ireland, RSA and 123.ie work directly with Trinity College’s People with Intellectual Disabilities Programme (TCPID) to provide people who have intellectual disabilities with opportunities to participate in higher education programs and work placements.

See the Social Impact Report 2022

Employment and Financial Inclusion

When parents have secure employment, they can provide their children with stable housing, food, and education.

We work directly with trusted partners to address the root causes of poverty across Canada by helping parents access employment and essential care for their young children.

Mentoring is built into our people development approach at Intact and generosity extends far beyond the walls of our offices. Many employees volunteer on an annual basis with our partner Windmill Microlending to provide low-interest, affordable loans and other resources to skilled immigrants and refugees to help them restart their careers.

See the Social Impact Report 2022

Food Security, Health, and Well-being

Poverty can damage long-term health and wellbeing. Helping families meet basic needs, including food security, can help break the cycle of poverty and poor health.

Our partnership with the Breakfast Club of Canada is helping expand and sustain even more Breakfast Club programs across the country with a focus in areas with the greatest need, including western territories and Indigenous communities.

As the founding corporate partner of UNICEF’s One Youth Initiative, we have proudly supported the development of the first Canadian Index of Child and Youth Wellbeing.

In Ireland, our 123.i.e business works directly with Barnardo’s children’s charity to advance the welfare of families across the country whose lives were affected by economic, social, or other disadvantage or loss.

See the Social Impact Report 2022

Intact Stories

Community Well-being
Economic Resilience

icon-calendar Apr 11, 2022

Economic Resilience

icon-calendar Jun 17, 2020

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