We're serious about climate change

We thrive at finding the intersections between helping society and winning in the marketplace. Our climate strategy has five big intentions.

Our commitments are ambitious and collaborative – and they will help us drive concrete action.


Commit to a net zero ambition overall by 2050


Double down on helping people adapt to climate change


Leverage our platform to shape customer behaviour


Enable the transformation by supporting existing and new industries that are key to the transition


Collaborate with governments and industry to influence and accelerate climate action


We aim to achieve net zero emissions overall by 2050, to align with the Paris Agreement, and to halve our operations emissions by 2030.


We’re doubling down on helping people adapt to the effects of climate change. Our partners are exploring real, concrete solutions to make our communities, our people and our economy more resilient.

Investing in natural infrastructure

Helping vulnerable communities build resiliency

Address growing need for restoration and prevention services

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Opportunities exist for us to shape climate-conscious behaviours.

Engage our customers

By engaging customers and employees, we can raise climate change awareness.

Leverage our platform

Through claims interactions and supply chain initiatives we can support climate-conscious practices.

Utilize our expertise

Through our Centre for Climate and Geospatial Analytics we can use pricing, underwriting, and data to enhance predictive models that will anticipate evolving climate-related impacts.


We’re playing an active role by supporting industries that are key to the transition.

Support new industries that are developing the tools to accelerate our progress

Support customers, partners, and investees in existing industries that are working to transform their businesses


We collaborate with government and industries to accelerate the most impactful climate solutions. Our involvement with Canada’s federal government’s Disaster Resilience and Security Advisory Table, the Sustainable Finance Action Council, the National Flood Insurance Task Force, and in the U.K., the Climate Financial Risk Forum, have given us a track record of providing climate expertise.

Climate Proof Canada

A coalition that is encouraging the federal government to take action now.

Geneva Association

As the think tank for the global insurance industry, The Geneva Association carries out rigorous research in collaboration with its members and their companies, academic institutions, and multilateral organizations.


Global climate change and insurance industry leadership group.

Intact Stories

A bog or a peatland by any other name is just a wetland. To help build climate resilient communities, we’re helping protect one of Canada’s last great natural peatlands in the greater Quebec City area!

icon-calendar Oct 10, 2023

What's the financial value of a wetland that soaks up stormwater and maintains good water quality for a community? Or trees that offer shade to reduce urban heat and maintain good air quality? According to Canada's accounting rules, the answer is currently zero.

icon-calendar May 17, 2023

Imagine a school ground without concrete or asphalt. A school ground that absorbs heavy rainfall to mitigate flooding and provides shade to combat heat. A school ground that is intentionally designed to adapt to the impacts of climate change. In short, a school ground that is climate ready!

icon-calendar May 17, 2023

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